Exclusive to Echoes In Time Hand Painted SALE ITEM -BIG SAVINGS- SALE ITEM
Size: 6.5" x 3.5" x 3.5"
Material: Cast Stone
Time: c. 1450 BC, 18th Dynasty
Location: Nile Valley, Egypt
 Kneeling in reverence 3500 years ago, Amehwahsu is shown seeking the blessing of the great Sun God Ra. The hieroglyphics carved on the front of the stele provide the text of the prayer. This wonderfully tranquil figure is an elegant example of a stelophorous (stele-bearing) statue from the 18th Dynasty during the reign of Amenhotep II. The sky blue color was a favorite of the Egyptians and was used in some of their most beautiful and important works. This color was thought to represent resurrection and rebirth. Our desktop size figure is a very accurate 1/4 scale recreation of the 22-inch granite original.

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